If you are new to the outdoor gear world, you may not be familiar with some of the higher quality gear manufacturers out there. If you want to avoid all of the junk that Walmart and most run of the

mill sporting good stores carry, then look to what the professionals use. Specifically Mountain Hardwear. While you'll be paying more for it, the equipment produced by Mountain Hardwear is second to none. Mountain Hardwear was founded in 1993 by a group of avid outdoor enthusiasts and former presidents and vice presidents of other trusted gear companies. The Mountain Hardwear founders literally combined the many years of experience that each of them had in the outdoor industry and formed a company that can design and create the best
quality equipment and apparel to specifically meet the needs of climbers and mountaineers. Not a climber or mountaineer? Don't worry, the equipment is designed to perform so well that it's like wearing bullet proof kevlar to play paintball. So, if you're tired of
buying outdoor gear that only holds up through a couple uses, it's time to consider investing in gear from Mountain Hardwear.