
Alright all you outdoor enthusiasts! If you love outdoor gear, you don't want to miss this. Next month holds one of the largest and most exciting outdoor gear shows in the world. Hosted in Salt Lake City Utah on August 7-12, Outdoorretailer will be showcasing the outdoor industries latest and greatest outdoor gear. This event is held semi annually and is the place to go for all of the up and coming gear ranging from techi handheld navigation gadgets, to the newest fabric technology to keep you comfortable in the outdoors. August 7-8 is the "Open Air Demo" where you can actually try out and test all the latest outdoor gear from big names like Black Diamond, Kelty, The North Face and many others. August 9-12 is the indoor exibition where you can browse through thousands of new products that won't be on the market until next year. Some Manufacturers will even allow you to purchase samples of their products at wholesale. I was able to buy several items from Snowpeak that didn't end up on the market.
You can get into the show free even if you are not a retailer or a manufacturer. All you have to do is sign up as a media group or some other non-buyer organization and you can get in for free. Time is running out. There are only 18 days until the event. Visit this link:
http://www.xpressreg.net/register/OUTD087/buyertype.asp?o=95955&pc1= for details and to register. Don't miss out!